17th Michigan Railroad History Conference

Norris Science Center, Albion College, Albion, MI

Saturday, October 12, 2024 (plus optional Friday, October 11 Field Trip)

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Registration––Registration is required for all events.

Use a separate form for each attendee so name tags can be prepared

Name: ___________________________________

Address: ____________________________

City: ________________________________State: _________Zip: _________

Telephone: (_____)  _____________________

E-Mail: ______________________________

I would like my name tag to read:___________________________

Conference Registration  (Includes Luncheon plus mid-morning and mid-afternoon beverages and snacks) - If postmarked before October 1 --- $70.00 --- If postmarked after October 1 --- $75.00

Make check or money order out to Michigan Railroad History Conference.

Mail to: MRHC, P.O. Box 16235, Lansing, MI 48901

Friday Field Trip – Bus tour focusing on the Jackson, Albion, Battle Creek Interurban line, October 11 --- $60.00.

Please remit a separate check for the Friday Field Trip. If trip must be canceled, payments will be returned. Registrations for the field trip received after capacity has been reached will also be returned. 

Total Enclosed: $________  Make checks or money orders payable to Michigan Railroad History Conference.

Mail to: MRHC, P.O. Box 16235, Lansing, MI 48901


Contact Us

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Email: webmaster@michiganrailroads.com
