- Details
- Hits: 1623
Location: Lake Superior Group, Ishpeming, MI
Various (see notes) → Lake Superior Group → Holmes-Section 16 mines (Oliver Mining Co. 1935)
Operated for 91 years.
From: 1853 (part)
Location: Includes Hard Ore Mine (N 1/2-SE Sec 9 and W 1/2-NW-SW Sec.10), Hematite Mine (E 1/2-NW-SW, SW-SW and E 1/2-SW Sec. 10), Holmes Mine (SW-SE Sec. 9), Section 16 Mine (N 1/2-NE Sec. 16 and SE-SE Sec 9), and Section 21 Mine (W 1/2-NE and S 1/2-NW Sec. 21) all of T47N-R27W. Formerly included Section 10 Exploration (S 1/2-NW Sec. 10).
Owned by: Parts by Lake Superior Mining Col, CCI, Iron Cliffs and then Oliver Mining Co.
Produced: Hard siliceous bessemer and soft non-bessemer and bessemer.
Method: Underground by to-slicing. Depth was 1,450 feet.
Railroad connection: LS&I to Presque Isle dock; C&NW to Escanaba dock.
Until: 1944 (parts)
Lifetime Production: 25,103,189 tons between 1858 and 1945.
Hard Ore and Hematite mines were acquired by Lake Superior Iron Co. in 1853 and opened in 1857. The Hard Ore Mine was operated continuously thereafter until closed down in 1914, and the Hematite Mine closed in 1915. The Section 16 property was acquired in 1853 and 1864, Section 21 Mine in 1867 and 1872, and the Holmes Mine in 1930. The Section 21 Mine was shut down in 1903. The Section 10 Exploration, which was acquired in 1853, produced a small tonnage prior to 1900; it was leased to the Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Company in 1942 and is now operated as part of the Cliffs Shaft Mine.
The Holmes Mine, owned by Excelsior Iron Company from 1864 to 1912, was acquired by Iron Cliffs Co. iln 1912. This company disposed of it in 1914 to the CCI which opened it in 1915 and shipped from it every year from 1917 to 1929. In 1930 the Holmes Mine was sold to Lake Superior Iron Co. Then the Oliver Iron Mining Co. acquired the entire Lake Superior Group in 1935 and operated the Holmes-Section 16 mine from 1935-1944 including making shipments every year; shipments were from stockpile in 1945. The Holmes-Section 16 was finally shut down in 1946. Holmes reported to have included SE-SW Sec. 9 of T47N-R27W at one time.
Time Line