Mine: Barnes-Hecker Mine, Golden, MI

Began → Barnes-Heckler Mine → Became

Operated for:


Location: NW, SW-NE and N 1/2-NE Sec 2 of T47N-R28W.

Owned by: Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co until 1927. Sold to Inland Steel in 1943.

Produced: Iron Ore, soft red non-bessemer ore.


Railroad connection: LS&I to Presque Isle.

Stamp Mill/Pellet Plant:

Until: 1927

Lifetime Production: 419,433 tons.

Affiliated with Inland Steel Co.

Source: [LSIO]

Barnes & Hecker MinePhoto Info: The Barnes & Heckere Mine at Golden, MI, date not known. [MINART]


Time Line

November 3, 1926  Barnes Hecker Mine, Ispeming, Marquette Co. - Flood in mine - 51 fatalities

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