Mine: Hollister Mine, Crystal Falls, MI

Began → Hollister Mine → Became

Operated for 24 years.

From: 1890

Location: W 1/2-SW Sec. 13 of T43N-R32W

Owned by: Oliver Iron Mining Co., later by Hollister Mining Co.

Produced: Iron Ore, soft, red, high phosphorus.

Method: Underground, worked by stoping method.

Railroad connection: C&NW / MILW to respective docks at Escanaba.

Until: 1914

Lifetime Production: 143,117 tons between 1890-1914



The Hollister Mine was operated by the Oliver Iron Mining Company and later by the Hollister Mining Company from 1889 through 1914. 143,117 tons of ore were shipped during this period. [MINDAT]. It was located in Crystal Falls in Iron County.

Property description: W 1/2-SW Section 13, T43N-R32W, which is the 80 acres between N46-6-57, N466-7-24, W88-15-28 and W88-15-48.

Time Line

1890. August. Spur tracks are being built to the Alpha, Hemlock, Crystal Falls and Hollister mines, giving employment to a large force of men. [DD-1890-0809]


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