Mine: Manhatten Mine, Alpha, MI

Began → Manhatten Mine → Became

Operated for:

From: 1888.

Owned by: 

Produced: Iron Ore


Railroad connection:

Stamp Mill/Pellet Plant:


Lifetime Production: 


NE 1/4 of Section 24, T42N-M33W.

Time Line

1888. September. The Manhatten mine is close to the Mastodon. It is simply a shaft sunk several years ago to the depth of ninety feet, from the bottom of which a small amount of drifting was done, but no ore was found and the attempt was given up.  A short time ago Mr. Edward Blake, having associated with him a few other men at Negaunee, undertook to explore the property. Mr. Blake umped out the water and sunk the shaft three or four feet deeper, when the workmen found a great cavity, "vug" in ore. They have gone down 30 feet now (January 10) and are all the way in clean ore, ore crystallized into form of kidney and grape ore, etc. In quality it corresponds with the Mastodon and is, probably, another lense underlying to the north. Work has been vigorously prosecuted at the Manhatten during the summer and a very valuable property has developed. Nearly 2,000 tons of ore has been forwarded. [DD-1888-0929]


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