- Details
- Hits: 2923
Mine: Mastodon Mine, Alpha, MI
Began → Mastodon Mine → Balkin-Judson Group
Operated for 60 years.
From: 1882
Location: NE Sec. 13 of T42N-R33W
Owned by: Mastoden Iron Co. Leased to Balkan Mining co. in 1912 and operated as a part of Balkan-Judson Group of mines, Pickands Mather & Co. agents. Lease surrendered in 1935.
Produced: Iron Ore, soft, red, high phosphorus and manganiferous.
Method: Underground, worked by sub-level caving. Depth: 434 feet.
Railroad connection: C&NW to Escanaba docks.
Until: 1942
Lifetime Production: 447,315 tons from 1882-1942 (included under Balkan-Judson). Stockpile shipment in 1942 by Pittsburgh Coke & Iron Co.
One of the original seven mines open in the Crystal Falls area in 1882.
Time Line
1887. Captain C.T. Roberts is doing well with the Mastodon mine. The captain, who is an expert miner, took this mine on contract on January 1, 1887 and is more than rushing things. With a force of sixty men he is raising 175 tons of ore every 24 hours. A diamond drill is operated on the property, which is working in a new shaft, which is now down 140 feet and will be lowered about fifty feet more. A splendid showing is expected for the Mastodon's 1887 output. [DFP-1887-0305]
1887. April. The erection of an engine house has been commenced at the Mastodon mine, preparatory to putting in a new hoisting plant. [DD-1887-0409]
1887. The miners at the Mastodon mine were idle on Wednesday and Thursday because the management could secure no cars and the pockets were full. [DD-1887-1015]