Mine: Jack Pot Mine, Bessemer, MI

Began → Jack Pot Mine → Became

Operate for:

From: 1892

Owned by: Jones & Laughlin Ore Co., then Puritan Mining Co. (Pickands Mather & Co. agent)

Produced: Iron Ore

Method: Underground.

Railroad connection:

Stamp Mill/Pellet Plant:


Lifetime Production: 99,090 tons.


The Jack Pot Mine was located east of Bessemer and south of the Yale Mine. It was an underground mine, which was owned at various times by the Puritan Mining Company and the Pickands Mather & Company. It was also a part of the East Jack Pot Mine and was also called the Yale Jack Pot Mine.

Time Line

1911. The Jack Pot mine is acquired by Jones & Laughlin. [DD-1911-0427]

1925. The Yale is combines with the Jackpot to form the Yale-Jackpot property, held until 1941.

1941. Combined in new Peterson mine.

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