Mine: Northwestern Mine, Felch, MI

Began → Northwestern Mine → Became

Operated for 4 years in two periods.

From: 1883

Location: N 1/2-NW Sec. 32 of T42N-R28W

Owned by: 

Produced: Iron Ore

Method: Underground.

Railroad connection: C&NW to Escanaba ore dock.

Until:  1885. Then from 1902 to 1903

Lifetime Production: 35,810 tons between 1883 and 1903.



Time Line

1887. March. The old Northwestern iron mine at Metropolitan, in the Felch mountain iron district, has been bought by Mayor John K. Stack of Escanaba, Henry M. Atkinson of Metropolitan, and Chicago parties. The company will be reorganized on a new basis and given a new name. The work of pumping out the mine will begin Monday, and ore-shipping will begin May 1. [PHTH-1887-0321][DD-1887-0409]

1888. Something of a little railroad accident happened on the Y leading to the Northwestern mine, ditching a freight car and placing an engine and tender hors du combat (sic) until the wrecking train put them to rights. No body hurt, fortunately. [DD-1888-0324]


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