Mine: Quinnesec Mine, Quinnesec, MI

Began → Quinnesec Mine → Became

Operated from 57 years.

From: 1878

Location: SE Sec. 34 of T40N-R30W

Owned by: In 1877 leased by the Menominee Mining Company. Formerly operated by Corrigan McKinney Steel Col. Acquired by Republic Steel Corp[. in 1935.

Produced: Iron Ore - semo hard, reddish-brown, siliceous, crushed.

Method: Open pit and stoping methods (undergroud).

Railroad connection: C&NW branch 2,300' long connection with main line on east side of village. Also. MILW.

Until: 1935

Lifetime Production: 512,235 tons betweeen 1878-1935.


Quinnesec mine has ore pockets of 200 ton capacity each, 32 feet high, top of them laid with double tram road.

First ore shipped in March, 1878. 25,925 tons.

Time Line


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