- Details
- Hits: 2529
Mine: South Lake Mine, Lake Mine, MI
Aztec Mine → South Lake Mine → Abandoned
Operated for 30 years.
From: 1852
Owned by: Aztec Mining Company. Sold to P. T. Rogers in 1873, then to C.G. Hussey in 1880.
Produced: Copper
Method: Pits and shafts (2). Connected to the Lake Mine on 6th level
Railroad connection:
Stamp Mill/Smelter:
Until: 1882. Then reopened from 1912 to 1918, then closed.
Lifetime Production: 686,000 lbs. of refined copper. Then an additional 1 million tons up to 1918.
The Aztec Mining Company was organized in 1852 to work an area on the bluffs where ancient mining pits were discovered. The mine was named Aztec because early explorers believed the pits were dug by the Aztec Indians (they were not). Four tons of copper were recovered in 1852, followed by an additional ten tons in 1853. The company operations were shutdown in 1854, but work continued on tribute through 1863. Sometime during this period, a mass weighing 100 tons was discovered in the mine. In 1864, a second shaft was sunk to work the productive Hilton Lode. Work stopped in 1867 due to low copper prices, but was started again in 1858. In 1873, the company was reorganized and sold to P.T. Rogers, who worked the mine for seven years. In 1880, the mine was reorganized once again upon sale to Dr. C.G. Hussey and his associates. Work continued through 1882 when the mine ceased operation. In total, the Aztec produced approximately 686,000 pounds of refined copper.
In 1909, the site was sold and a new company, the South Lake Mining Company, was organized. The company cleared out the shafts to reach the Butler and Hilton Lodes. Workings included underground openings comprised of two shafts and one adit. Early mining methods included shafts sunk for vertical hoisting and adits into the side of the bluff for haulage and water drainage. The workings are connected directly to the Lake Mine on the 6th level at the boundary line. The hillside of the bluff was described as being pocked and riddled with openings from prehistoric copper culture American diggings. The company worked the mine from 1912 to 1918, when production ceased and the mine was abandoned. The South Lake Mine produced approximately one million pounds of refined copper in just four years of operation.
Time Line
1910. December. Rails have been laid to the South Lake Mine. This track is short and are only a couple of the many spurs built by the COPR to the mines and lumber camps. [CN-1910-1208]