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- Hits: 399
Mine: Arnold Mine, Copper Harbor, MI
Copper Falls Mine - Arnold Mine - Became
Operated for: 1896
Lifetime production:
The Arnold Mine began exploration work on the Ashbed Amygdaloid in 1860 and incorporated in 1863 with the completion of its only shaft. The mine was worked sporadically until 1900 when all worked ceased. Approx. 2 million lbs. of refined copper was recovered. It was in Eagle Harbor township. [MINDAT]
There was a 2 1/2 mike railroad called the "Arnold & Eagle Harbor" that connected the mine to the Copper Falls Mill with a single Baldwin 0-4-0 locomotive, 9 rock cars and a flat car.
The mine failed when the old reservoir for Copper Falls mine failed and washed straight down the Spencer shaft and out the mouth of the adit, sending a wall of water and mine cars into the back of the stamp mill, damaging it beyond repair. [Matt Mihalo]
Time Line
1898. May 6. At the Arnold mine in Keweenaw county, a contract will be let in a few days for the construction of a narrow gauge railway between the mine and the mill, nearly three miles distant at Copper Harbor. By making this line a narrow gauge the owners of the Arnold are able to secure an equipment of rolling stock at a very small cost, taking the same form the Mineral Range railroad which was recently widened to standard gauge. The Arnold mill should be stamping by September 15. [DFP-1898-0507] Ed. Note: Purchase of this equipment and start of this railroad has not been confirmed.