- Details
- Hits: 2770
Mine: Copper Harbor Mine
Shaft sunk → Copper Harbor Mine → Abandoned
Operated for 8 years.
From: 1846
Owned by: New York and Michigan Mining Company
Produced: Copper ore
Method: Underground, shaft to 84 feet.
Railroad connection: None
Stamp Mill/Pellet Plant:
Until: 1853 (abandoned)
Lifetime Production: 1,800 lbs.
Also known as the Michigan Exploration Company.
An underground copper mine consisting of one shaft located near Copper Harbor. The New York and Michigan Mining Company was organized in 1845 and began operations in 1846 when a shaft was sunk to 84 feet. The mine was abandoned in 1847 but reopened in 1852 and the shaft was deepened to 150 feet. The mine worked an amygdaloid vein that was rich in copper. In 1852, about 1,800 pounds of copper was recovered, but by 1853, the mine was abandoned. [MINDAT]
Time Line