- Details
- Hits: 2632
Mine: Copper Falls Mine, Eagle Harbor, MI
Began → Copper Falls Mine → Closed
Operated for 55 years.
From: 1846
Owned by: Copper Falls Co.
Produced: Copper Ore
Method: Underground shafts and adits.
Railroad connection: None known.
Stamp Mill/Smelter: a 24-stamp mill was located onsite.
Until: 1901
Lifetime Production:
South of Eagle Harbor. This mine was created in 1845 but was not immediately successful. the Copper Falls Company began working it again in the 1850's, creating a townsite with 25 houses and two boarding houses, an office, sawmill and other shops. The mine had seven (7) shafts and several adits, one 2,350 and one over 6,000 feet, both driven into the mine from the lower hillside.
The mine operated until 1901. In 1874 it suffered a stope collapse which killed seven miners. In 1878, the mine was closed temporarily due to a fire.
Time Line
1849. The propeller Napoleon came down on the 20th, with 10 tons of barrel and native copper from the Copper Falls location, and eleven tons of barrel ore from Lac La Belle Mining company. [DFP-1849-0710]
1860. Appearances at this mine are good. The operations on the ash-bed at Owl Creek are continuing with the necessary force in stoping commensurate with the present stamping power, and the uniform yield of copper is about the same as in the agent's report - 1 1/10th percent. In a deep adit (on the course of the ash-bed) about 260 feet from the surface, the prospects are very cheering. The agent expects to have sufficient ground opened by January next to stamp 3,000 tons per month, and gradually exceed that quantity to the full capacity of the stamping power. The workings at this mine have hitherto been confined to the east part, but the recent openings westerly begin to develop some important ground. [DFP-1860-0828]