- Details
- Hits: 3803
Mine: Ahmeek Mine.
Began → Ahmeek Mine → Became
Operated for 63 years including one 5 year closure.
From: 1903
Owned by: Ahmeek Mining Company. Merged with C&H in 1923.
Produced: Copper Ore
Method: Underground shafts (4) up to 3,000 feet.
Railroad connection: Mineral Range, then Trap Rock Valley (C&H)
Stamp Mill/Smelter: Ahmeek Mill.
Until: Operations suspended in 1931. Reopened from 1936 to 1966.
Lifetime Production:
Photo info: Railroad cars outside the Ahmeek Mine in 1951.
4 incline shafts worked to a depth of 3,000 feet. Shafts 3 and 4 were worked from a common shaft house. [Mindat]
Ahmeek Mine website on Wikipedia, click here.
Ahmeek Mine was located near Ahmeek, which is just north of Calumet into Keweenaw County. C&H gained control in 1909 and then merged with it in 1923. [UPM]
The mine was established by the Ahmeek Mining Company in 1880 and ran intermittently until 1903 when the Kearsage Lode was located and then became a substantial producer. The Calumet and Hecla gained control in 1909 and merged with it in 1923. There were a total of four mine shafts. [UPM]
Shaft No. 1 - Located on First Street in Ahmeek, this shaft was sunk in 1880 and operated until 1903.
Shaft No. 2 - Was sunk between 1905-1907. [UPM]
Shaft No. 3 & 4 were sunk in different 80o angles but came up to a single headframe and rock house. [UPM]
Time Line
Late 1870's. Two shafts sunk on the Kearsarge conglomerate but were abandoned at shallow depth.
1887. Set aside from the Seneca Mine.
1901. 920 acres lying immediately west of the Mohawk Mine.
1923. The Ahmeek, Allouez, Centennial, Osceola an C&H mining companies were merged into the Calumet & Hecla Consolidated Copper Company. The first four properties had been served by the Mineral Range railroad which was considered expensive. A right-of-way along the Trap Rock River valley was secured and construction begun in June 1924. [CRR]
1925. September. The new Trap Rock Valley Railroad was completed. [CRR]
1965. The Ahmeek #3 and #4 poor rock dumps shipped this year, but mining had ceased. C&H. [DMP]
Photo Info: Two more photos of the Ahmeek Mine, the top taken in 1941.