- Details
- Hits: 2785
Mine: Clark Mine, Copper Harbor, MI
Began → Clark Mine → Closed
Operated for 19 years.
From: 1856
Owned by: French owners.
Produced: Copper Ore
Method: Underground.
Railroad connection: Tram road to Lake Superior
Stamp Mill/Smelter: On site stamp.
Until: 1875
Lifetime Production:
Time Line
1856. The Clark Mine is producing barrel, stamp and mass copper very successfully. The prospects of the mine are very encouraging. [DFP-1856-0329]
1856. August. The Clark mine has lately received a visit from the French proprietors, and we understand has met with their highest approva. This mine has of late turned out several tons of copper, and its present indications are every way encouraging.
1857. June. The Star (a boat) brought down 2,619 lbs. of copper from the Clark Mine, Copper Harbor, for the Detroit Smelting Works. [DFP-1857-0624]
1858. January. The surface improvements of the Clark Mine are vey good. A superb wagon road, with railroad grades and curves, has been constructed to the lake. The mine is situated on the northern side of the bluff, north of the greenstone, in belts of ground corresponding to those of the Copper Falls location. [DFP-1858-0127]
1859. At Copper Harbor, but one mine is in operation, the Clark Mine, owned by a French company, which has expended some $150,000 in surface digging and in buildings, and have received but little in return.
1861. On the 27th of November, the mines of the French company at Copper and Agate Harbors were offered for sale to the highest bidder. The first lot put up by the notary was Clark Mine, Montreal Mine, and the saw-mill. The purchasers were Messrs. Estivant Brothers, the heaviest copper smelters of France. [DFP-1861-0125]
1874. The visiting owner of the Clark mine determined yesterday upon a change of management. Mr. Estivant and Mr. Borie return to the mine today, it having been fully arranged between them that the latter should retire from the agency during the coming month. All differences are to be settled by arbitration within a week. Mr. Estivant has arranged with a thoroughly competent party to proceed at once with the work of ascertaining the actual-value of the plant, and this will be done within the shortest reasonable time. [DFP-1874-0902]
1875. June. A mass of copper weighing over four tons was taken out of the workings on the Clark mine some days ago. [DFP-1875-0616]